Chair at Board & Member meetings.
Supervise the affairs of the Club and the activities of the Directors.
Appoint all committee Chairpersons not otherwise provided for
Ensure Directors and Committees perform their respective duties.
Execute such contracts in accordance with the Bylaws
Authorize and sign checks in accordance with the Bylaws.
Coordinate Holiday Party and End-of-Year Party with Vice President.
Share 50% of at-home meet requirements with the Vice President.
Vice President:
In the absence of the President, act as the President
Share 50% of at-home meet requirements with the President.
Coordinate Holiday Party and End-of-Year Party with President.
Perform New Parent Orientations
Certify and maintain electronically a current copy of the Bylaws & other documents.
Make available, Bylaws, Membership book, and minutes to all meetings.
Ensure notices and agendas for meetings are posted as outlined by the bylaws.
Record minutes of all meetings.
May maintain a copy of records and corporate charter of the Club.
Conduct the Club’s general correspondence.
Responsible for all funds of the Club and deposit funds in the name of the Club
Chair the financial committee.
May receive and give receipt for moneys due and payable to the Club
May disburse the funds of the Club directed by the Board and prescribed by the Bylaws
May sign checks in accordance with the Bylaws
May keep and maintain correct accounts of the Club’s business transactions.
Attend all home meets to provide all necessary monetary transactions for the club
Report totals from admission, concessions, and pro-shop sales after meets.
Team Rep.
Email team families all pertinent information regarding Club, meets and schedules.
Responsible for organizing and implementing the semiannual Club workdays.
Attend monthly Board meetings.
Represent the thoughts and concerns of those they represent.
Ensure updated meet information is posted on the website.
May be asked to substitute for another Board member at home meets.
Collect for coaches’ gifts.
Fundraising Chair:
Execute all fundraising activities.
Coordinate a minimum of 2 fundraisers per year, with prior approval from The Board.
Coordinate the receipt of funds.
Report the success of fundraiser to The Board and The Club members.
Coordinate the distribution of all fundraising products.